HEX-TRI Tactical Board Game Visit our web-site at http://www.hextri.hu About the HEX-TRI Game in general: • This is a strategic, multiplayer board game, based on pure logic, without any random elements. (quite like chess) • Basically it is a simulation of economy and war but unlike others, with a very few simple rules only…(actually only 3 main sets of rules) • 2, 3 or more players may play the game together at the same time. • The play time of a Hex-Tri game can be 20 min. - 2 hour depending on the number of players / board size / player's skills. • Anyone can learn the rules, and get familiar with the dynamics of the game within a few minutes of play. (for ages 11+) • Because of the virtually infinity number of possible game situations, it takes a long time to become a master of the Hex-Tri. • Complexity is in the game's simplicity. ;) Getting started with HEX-TRI is much easier, if there is someone who has already played it before... Otherwise, you need to study all the RULES below carefully... However, the rules are learned easiest during game play, so we advise that you should try to start playing the Hex-Tri right away, and look for any rule, when it is first needed in the game... You will find that the RULES of the HEX-TRI are built on each other, quite logically, and the causes and consequences can be easily understood when seen on the board in game situations... Good Luck! :) The main objective of the game is to capture the Chief Figure of an enemy color. If this happens all the other figures of that player's color have to be removed from the board as well. But to achive this, the players have to build up a well performing system to fuel the fire of war... When playing with more than 2 players, in the first few times it is more reasonable to end the countest when the first chief is removed, and declare the player who captured it to be the winner of this party... and play the rest of the game only, if there is an very intresting conflict situation left on the scene for the remaining players... so the looser will not become bored... THE RULES OF THE HEX-TRI HEX-TRI equipment: All players need to have 9 figures, one of them shall be marked as the Chief. You will also need a handful of Point-indicators to represent Manna… The HEX-TRI game board has 2 basic type of fields: Hexagonal-fields aka.: HEX : Sources of Manna / Scenes of the battles Triangle-fields aka.: TRI : Passages Concept of the HEX-TRI: The game play is based on rounds taking place one after the other. Each round is divided into 3 phases. The order of phases in a round of a Hex-Tri contest is the following 1. MOVEMENTS -> 2. PRODUCTION -> 3. BATTLE The right to make the first move in the round’s Movements Phase, shifts each round to the next player. You should use a special object to indicate who will be the first in the next round, and pass this item to the next player in the beginning of the 1st phase… Phase 1 - Movements: The 1st phase of all rounds is the MOVEMENTS. The players make their MOVES, using the Mannas available to them on the HEX fields occupied by their figures only. You will see that this is the main part of the game, and therefore the most important! Decisions are made here, and the consequences will be seen later, so think twice! :) Each player can make 1 move at a time. The right of making a move goes round and round, so in the same phase more moves can be performed by the players depending of their Manna resources. On a TRI 1 figure may stand, on a HEX unlimited number of figures and Mannas may stand at a time. ( Special expansion rules may allow other combinations of figures/Manna on a given field ) A move can be a chain of steps of a single figure, OR performing an action requiring Manna(s). (Actions are explained in the additional expansion rules, if using any) One step equals moving a figure through sides of fields, e.g. from one field to an adjacent one. a) from a TRI to a HEX. b) or from a HEX to an empty TRI. One step costs 1 Manna, which must be removed - before performing the action - from the game board. Manna can be removed only from a field occupied only by the player's figures only. The Chief figure has 1 free step in every MOVEMENT phase ( NOT each times it moves). The player can use this free step any time, when moving with the Chief. Moving in and out of disputed fields: Leaving a disputed HEX with any figure, is only allowed if at least 1 figure of the moving player is left behind on that HEX The turn player may choose to pass e.g. not to make any move.(But s/he may move in the next turn of this round) If all the players pass after each other in the movement phase, e.g. no one wishes to make any more moves in this round, the game proceeds to the next phase. Phase 2 - Production: The 2nd phase is the PRODUCTION phase. This is the time to reload the stocks of the players…You can notice that the amount of Manna that will be produced can only modified in the previous phase… Only peaceful HEX-es can produce, eg. Fileds occupied by one player’s color… HEX fields produces either the maximum number of Manna written on the particular HEX, or the number of Manna equal to the player's figures on that particular HEX, whichever is lowest. Every new Manna must be placed on the HEX on which it was produced…. Phase 3 - Battle: In the 3rd phase battles take place between two or more players whose figures are on the same HEX. This is the “action” part of the HEX-TRI, but the outcome of the battles is also already decided in the 1st phase… In a battle on a HEX-Field: 1. Each player removes simultaneously one of its own figures from the disputed HEX. 2. Players repeat the 1. Process ( removing their figures, if they have any ), until there is one figure of each color, or only one player's figures are left on that field. 3. As a result of a battle, the field becomes the territory of the player who only has figure(s) on it, or in case of a draw, the field is still disputed for the next round. SURROUNDING: At the end of the Battle phase… Figures standing on any HEX surrounded with fields, occupied enemy figures only, must be removed from the board. Afterwards, figures on TRI fields are also checked if they are surrounded and removed if necessary. More fields ( including empty ones ) can be surrounded too. In this case, all fields which give access to the surrounded group of fields must be owned by enemy players… For every figure removed in this phase, 1 Manna is placed on the field where they've been removed from. The figures removed in this round, are considered to be in a “reincarnation process :)”, in other words, they miss a turn, so they cannot enter the board in the next round, but only afterwards…( This is a peaceful game, so nobody gets really killed ;) ) After all phases end, a new round begins… February, 10th, 2005 Hungary, Budapest Contact: Gable MobilePhone: +36 20 23 222 07 e-mail: gable@hextri.hu HEX-TRI © 2003-2005 by Gable & BP. All rights reserved!